Kaikhosru Sorabji to Philip Heseltine 37 (24 June 1922)

Saturday [24 June 1922] 175, CLARENCE GATE GARDENS. REGENTS PARK, N.W.1. Belovedest Prosdoscimus:- By all means choose my paper if you like it. You don’t say what you think of the songs you Sod! And I wrote a swete dedication on them for you – Blast you! Yes exactly! Who to turn to as agents? As far as I’m concerned I’ll be my own. The sale of my works is not so overpowering in size that I can’t cope with it and it ought to be rather amusing. But I’m concerned about you and Orr. Try Goodwin & Tabb why don’t you? I have nothing whatever to do with Robber BLion Kling-Klux-Klang. I’m going away on July 24 th or 25 th for my holiday and right glad of it shall I be after nearly two years incessant writing Sonata II – Symphony – Sonata III. Yes, Salvarsan is a good name for him [Aleister Crowley]: for he’s as much a fraud as that much boomed “remedy”. I’ve been reading a perfectly appalling dynamiti...