Kaikhosru Sorabji to Philip Heseltine 33 (2 January 1922)
January: 2 nd 1922. Hotel Krantz. Neuer Markt. 5. Vienna. My Phee: I’m here as you see. I’ve met and played to D r Wellecz who appeared greatly impressed and have also seen old Hertzka and his Kalmuck nephew – alias Herr Doctor Kalmuss – who is seeing to all the arrangements of my little 5 oclock concert in the small hall of the Musik Vereins Gebäude on January 13 th . I shall play the 2 Sonatas . . . it will last about an hour and a half in all and is by invitation only: I thus hope to rope in some of the most interesting people. D r Wellecz has promised to act as turner over of pages. Schönberg has not answered nor ...